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The BigBrain Community

The BigBrain Project has a thriving community of users and developers. We hold biennial conferences to meet (old and new) members, share and probe new ideas, and provide updates about the various activities around the data. Visit our website -- see who we are, learn what we do -- share your BigBrain data-related stories and work (publications, results, derived data, tools) - join our community to start a conversation, or to keep one going.

Community Resources

How to participate in the BigBrain Community

Join our Forum
Join our Discourse forum to discuss, collaborate, and find support for the BigBrain and applications related to this dataset.
Upcoming teaching events and materials.
Upcoming community workshops and events. See our news section.


Community contributed images of the BigBrain dataset

Markus Axer, "The monkey’s fiber architecture revealed by Polarized Light” which shows the courses and orientations of nerve fibers in the cerebellum of a teenage vervet monkey brain. Winning image of the Helmholtz Imaging Best Scientific Image Contest 2021. By Markus Axer and his team.
Konrad Wagstyl et al, BigBrain Cortical layer segmentation, 2019
Sherri Lee Jones, BigBrain Hypothalamus Manual Segmentation using Atelier3D, 2019
Sherri Lee Jones, BigBrain Hypothalamus Manual Segmentation using Atelier3D, 2019
Sherri Lee Jones, BigBrain Hypothalamus Manual Segmentation using Atelier3D, 2019
Mona Omidyeganeh, Validation of the Smoothing Method, 2019,Google Slides


Community contributed videos of the BigBrain dataset

More videos on our YouTube channel

Speaker: Timo Dickscheid, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, The multilevel human brain atlas in EBRAINS
3D Polarized Light Imaging - Towards a 3D fiber atlas of the brain
BigBrain Features available in the HBP Atlas viewer
K. Wagstyl et al., Full pixel-wise segmentation of BigBrain cortical layer, 2020 Paper
J. DeKraker et al., Hippocampal subfield revealed through unfolding and unsupervised clustering of laminar and morphological features in 3D Big Brain (HD), 2019
BigBrain Workshop 2017: Keynote Lecture by Prof Karl Zilles
"Pr Karl Zilles (Forschungszentrum Jülich, INM-1) : Cortical layers : A perspective from receptors and fibers"
BigBrain Workshop 2016
BigBrain HBM 2016